The highly experienced master blender Victor Infantes is responsible for the outstanding blends of Simón Beltré cigars. Before the cigars are finally produced, countless tests and samples are carried out, in which the various tobaccos and different formats have to pass the strict test bench. Traditionally, tobaccos are fermented three times within 90 days at Beltré and then stored for many years to mature. These very elaborate processes ensure the incredibly balanced flavour of the Dominican premium manufacturer's final products. The tobaccos used in the Simón Beltré cigars released to date come from various regions of the Dominican Republic. Ecuadorian products of the highest quality are used for the wrapper leaves.
4 Caminos Madrid (The four roads) was made to honor our Dominican diaspora in the old continent and very particularly in Spain, where at the end of the 1980’s, they settled in this popular neighborhood of Madrid. Our industrious community gets up from sunrise to sunset, to go about their work days, because it is very clear that this is the present that led them to separate themselves from their beloved land and to which they would like to return one day.
This vitola is a 50×6 Toro, with medium-high strength, creamy, dense white smoke, and long snow-colored ash; delivering notes of coffee, cocoa, leather, earth and fermented tobacco.
Tobacco: Semilla 2020, San Vincente, Negrito, SVM