Cafe Creme was the world’s first small cigar and has been a European and category leader in machine-rolled cigars since its launch in 1963. While the name has changed to Signature in Europe, the cigars remain exactly the same.
Signature (Cafe Creme) is one of the world’s largest cigarillo brands and the best-selling brand in the ST Group (SCANDINAVIAN TOBACCO GROUP). Signature (Cafe Creme) is sold in over 80 countries worldwide. Signature (Cafe Creme) holds a strong position in the mainstream segment, and the portfolio includes different format cigars, flavored variants and variants with filter. Using tobaccos from Java, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Italy, the cigars are wrapped in natural Java or Ecuadorian leaves.
SCANDINAVIAN TOBACCO GROUP a world leader in cigars and traditional pipe tobacco
Our portfolio contains more than 200 leading brands, including the cigar brands Macanudo, La Gloria Cubana, Panter, Signature and La Paz. Pipe tobacco brands include Captain Black, Erinmore, Borkum Riff and W.Ø. Larsen, while our fine-cut tobacco brands include Bugler, Break, Escort, Bali Shag and Tiedemanns.
All tobacco starts with a seed. The development of a tobacco plant depends on factors such as soil, sun, rain position of the leaf on the tobacco plant and the time of harvesting. Our cultivation activities take place within Caribbean Cigar Holdings Group, in which we own a 20% stake.
Tiny, coated seeds are planted into a sterilised growing medium where they germinate. The seeds are monitored closely and grown under strict humidity and controlled temperature. Seedlings are planted in the field – either by hand or by machine. After six weeks in the field, the plants are ready for harvesting. Tobacco leaves mature from the bottom of the plant upward.
** The price shown is for a package of 10 cigarillos.
** The pictures are for presentation purposes.