Since 1884, Cuesta-Rey has been enjoyed by millions of cigar lovers around the world looking for the developed taste of a full-flavored cigar. The Centro Fino Sungrown collection showcases the rich tobacco of the Quevedo region of Equador using a hearty Sumatra-seed sungrown wrapper. Blended with specially aged Dominican ligero filler, the collection comes in a variety of sizes and shapes to fit the desires of any connoisseur.
Just like a center cut of beef, the finest and most flavorful wrapper tobacco comes from the stalk or centro fino portion of the plant. This provides for a cigar that is stronger than the original Cuesta-Rey Centenario collection yet smooth enough for even the most discriminating of palates. The Centro Fino Sungrown collection showcases the rich tobacco of the Quevedo region of Equador using a hearty Sumatra-seed sungrown wrapper. Blended with specially aged Dominican ligero filler, the collection comes in a variety of sizes and shapes to fit the desires of any connoisseur.
WRAPPER: Ecuadorian Centro Fino Sungrown
BINDER: Dominican
FILLER: Dominican
FACTORY: Tabacalera A. Fuente
Cigar and Spirits: 92
Cigar Insider: 90
Smoke Magazine: 94