13°51'N, 86°6'W: Welcome to the Jalapa Valley. Here, northeast of Estelí and Condega, near the border with Honduras, the rich and fertile soils provide excellent conditions for tobacco growing. The leaf material of this region gives the characteristic taste of Bentley cigars from Nicaragua. And it is a powerful demonstration of the special quality of a regional tobacco crop.
The truly precious things in life are rare. Like the rosado wrapper of Bentley Nicaragua cigars. Connoisseurs know how difficult this leaf is to grow. Enjoy it all the more when you smoke. Traditional craftsmanship is also becoming increasingly rare. This is what makes the simple cigar a tasteful feature: from the growing of the tobacco to the rolling of the cigar to the three-year maturation of the leaves - our employees accompany the entire production process directly on site. In the oldest cigar factory in Nicaragua.
This explains the extraordinary taste of Bentley cigars. Its intense character unfolds continuously with each puff. And yet it remains smooth throughout the entire tasting period.