In the world of fine cigars, there is an unmistakable elegance and sophistication that is enjoyed with every puff. A new creation has conquered the scene and delights connoisseurs and aficionados alike: the BALMORAL PURO DOMINICANA. This exquisitely handmade cigar comes from the Dominican Republic, the country of origin of the renowned Balmoral cigars, and was developed by the talented tobacco specialists in Santiago.
At the heart of this new creation are the exquisite tobaccos that have been carefully cultivated in the fertile soils of the Dominican Republic. A remarkable feature of this cigar is its Vega Especial wrapper, which stands out due to its deep aromas. The wrapper leaf, which has been carefully selected and treated, gives the cigar an unmistakable complexity and depth. The Pelo de Oro binder and the carefully selected Mao Cubita, Piloto & Olor Viso filler tobaccos offer a complex palette of aromas.
When enjoying the Balmoral Puro Dominicana, the aficionado can expect earthy undertones accompanied by gentle cedar notes. This harmonious blend is complemented by occasional sweet nuances that lend the smoking experience a subtle complexity.