The RoMa Craft Intemperance Volstead 1920 cigar is a medium-bodied option from their popular line, featuring an Ecuadorian Sumatra-seed maduro wrapper, a Mexican San Andres binder, and a Dominican Republic Corojo and Nicaraguan filler. This special line draws inspiration from the Volstead Act of 1920, which sparked Prohibition by banning the production, importation, transportation, and consumption of alcohol. Similarly to its predecessors, the VO 1920 cigar is created by RoMa Craft as a form of resistance against the anti-tobacco movement that has been on the rise in recent decades. Each size in this unique line is named after influential figures during the Prohibition Era.
A medium-strength cigar with a creamy, spicy, coffee profile and an underlying sweetness. Its savory Ecuadorian Sumatra-seed maduro wrapper shrouds a Mexican San Andres binder and a Dominican Republic Corojo and Nicaraguan filler. Handmade in Nicaragua at the Nica Suneo factory, the RoMa Craft Intemperance VO 1920 offers a flavorful yet lighter smoking experience that can be enjoyed anytime of day.