With this limited edition, VegaFina pays tribute to the birthplace of the brand by offering aficionados a selection of cigars carefully hand made with tobacco leaves from the Dominican Republic that have been aged for a period of 3 years.
The result of this very special blend, is a unique cigar that stands out for its spiced and toasted nuances and its pleasant woody and floral aroma with light sweet notes.
The chosen vitola is a cigar of ring gauge 48 x 120 mm lenght that receives the name of "Dominicus", in reference to the religious order that gave its name to the island.
VegaFina Classic Tributo is presented in an original box decorated with a drawing that reflects distinctive elements of the country and its prestigious tobacco culture.
Vitola: Dominicus (48 x 120 mm)
Filler, Binder and Wrapper: Dominican Republic