Silencio Blue cigars bring rich, new expressions of flavor to the Silencio brand byusing a four-country blend of the finest hand selected premium tobaccos.
A luxury class cigar of the finest pedigree, Silencio Blue is expertly rolled longfiller tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua, held together by a tasty Honduran binder.
Then, after further aging in fragrant cedar bins, these choice tobaccos are topped off with a beautiful Olancho San Agustin Sun Grown wrapper from Honduras. The end result is an inviting medium-bodied smoke that performs seamlessly will providing rich, highly complex notes of cocoa, butterscotch, nutmeg, sweet spice, and cinnamon.
Silencio Blue cigars come proudly displayed in eye-catching bright blue boxes and are produced at General Cigar Dominicana in Santiago, Dominican Republic.
The artisans of Silencio take pride in their unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship in creating some of the world’s finest cigars. Every Silencio is handcrafted by master cigar makers renowned for their expertise. According to a time-honored tradition, our artisans call upon the knowledge passed down to them to ensure that each and every Silencio cigar is flawless, both in appearance and construction.
The work of our artisans is marked by an outpouring of skill and pride. The result is a cigar that defines the luxury smoking experience, one worthy of your finest moments. Silence speaks when words cannot.