Peruvian puros? Yes, they exist, and Inca, a cigar brand created in 2012, is at the forefront of this emerging sector of the cigar industry. Sourced from the Tabacalera del Oriente in Tarapoto, Peru, every component of Inca Cigars is made from Peruvian tobacco. This novel blend highlights the unique flavors that Peruvian tobacco has to offer and features attractive boxes worthy of Inca ruins. Closer to a Nicaraguan in terms of strength, these cigars offer a unique and full flavor, balanced and smooth with a veinless wrapper and exceptionally good construction.
The cigars are wrapped in a bold, dark Peruvian wrapper and combine soothing notes of wood, espresso, leather and a unique underlying sweetness. From wrapper to filler, the cigars are produced with 100% Peruvian tobacco and 100% handmade in their factory in Tarapoto, Peru.