Don Diego Classic Monarchs Tubes is a Churchill cigar in an aluminum tube. Created by the Menéndez and García families, founders of Montecristo, and now blended by the legendary Grupo de Maestros. In addition, makers of world-renowned brands such as Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, H. Upmann, and VegaFina. Also, Don Diego Cigars, originally made in the Canary Islands after the Cuban Embargo. However, Don Diego is now masterfully crafted and blended in the Dominican Republic with a flawlessly smooth wrapper, especially aged, hand-selected Dominican binder plus Dominican and Nicaraguan filler tobacco.
Smooth. Creamy. Subtle Finish with no aftertaste. Moreover, Don Diego Classic Monarchs Tubes cigars are beautifully hand-rolled with a silky-smooth, almond-colored Connecticut shade wrapper. With over a generation of history and heritage, these cigars are a must-have for your humidor. Additionally, a classic Dominican cigar crafted for those who prefer a milder smoking experience. It has a distinctively creamy taste that never goes unnoticed. Furthermore, Don Diego Classic Monarchs Tubes stands out as the finest, most consistent from dependable premium brands. Certainly, a great and affordable cigar you won’t want to miss. So, add these well-made cigars to your collection today.