For aficionados, the abbreviation CAO stands for maximum cigar enjoyment, originally they are the initials of the company founder Cano A. Ozgener. He founded his company in 1968 and left Turkey to study in the USA.
Initially active in the pipe business, a meerschaum pipe developed by him was the cornerstone for later success. He entered the world of cigars together with the exiled Cubans Carlos Toraño and Nestor Plasencia. The three developed under the brand C.A.O. exclusive long filler cigars. After the Black and the Criollo, both of which have not been available on the German market since around 2009, the Brazilia was the third series introduced.
Manufactured in the Dominican Republic, CAO Brazilia's name is a reference to the dark Brazilian wrapper used. In this section we have summarized the CAO cigar samplers for you to give you a better overview of the various limited editions in recent years.